Illustrated Master Plan
MidOhio Design worked with the city of Hyde Park, New York to
develop and design an Illustrated Master Plan for the City. The master plan
included an analysis of existing site conditions and issues such as open space,
landscape, land use, circulation, building and street scape. A new park with
water features was added adjacent to existing public buildings to help organize
and revitalize a fragmented and incoherent town structure. The new park also
creates new links for cross-town connections and enhances the spatial
experiences of the diversely joined public spaces. New mixed use buildings,
which include commercial, retail, and housing, were placed along the northern
edge of the park to help support existing amenities and create a livelier town
center. The new City Hall addition on the southern edge responds to one of the
adjacent mixed use buildings to form a cross axis to the park. The public space
defined by the axis further adds to the complexity and interest of the spatial
experience and connectivity between public buildings and spaces.