MidOhio Design, llc
Architecture     Interiors     Planning     LEED AP BD+C

Design Philosophy

MidOhio Design is dedicated to the synthesis between a variety of issues that evolve around architectural practice:  the opportunities and strategies provided by contemporary design, inventive programmatic accommodation and research, responsible construction management and budgetary oversight, creative use of site and landscape, and careful scrutiny of the urban design potential of all projects.

MOD feels that good, imaginative, responsible, and even surprising design is the essential focus of our practice. We feel that all planning strategies, material palettes, and building systems should respond to costs and needs, but be productive of diverse, resourceful environments that continuously enrich the lives and activities of the people who use and occupy them.  A good design will do more than reflect and accommodate the program needs. It should enhance and deepen the social and spatial experience of the user and take advantage of opportunities to construct beneficial relationships and interactions.  To MOD, sophisticated design is less a product of budget and more a consequence of carefully constructed systems of relationships, formal, spatial, and programmatic, in which aspects of the scheme are carefully husbanded to produce multiple effects and opportunities are allowed to mother invention.

Other than successfully addressing programmatic opportunities within the building, the potential to maximize the associations between the building and its site are also of importance to MOD.  The land should be used to create multiply useful adjuncts to the program and establish a spatial dialog with the architecture. It should be able to respond to the context and support the arguments external to the building itself, such as issues concerning appearance, approach, service, and privacy.  The site should also act as a major partner in addressing the energy requirements of the project.  A sensible and careful approach to project development should include thoughtful decisions about sustainability and life-cycle costing, as well as construction management and budgetary oversight.  Finally, MOD attempts to scrutinize the urban design potentials of every site in order to respond to the larger context in as productive a manner as possible.  We endeavor to allow the specifics of the site configuration to engage in a variety of dialogs with the project that allow for a productive interaction between site and building and which contributes to a greater value for the whole.